Trinity Lutheran School has graduated hundreds of students, many of whom have gone on to make significant contributions to their fields of endeavor, the lives of those around them, and the communities in which they live.

See what our ministry is all about by watching the video below and prayerfully considering supporting our school ministry with a monetary donation. 

Your life changing gift will go far as together we partner to share Christ’s abundant love to the children and families of Trinity Lutheran School. 

  • Cash: Gifts of cash are the simplest and most straightforward way to support our school. Checks should be made payable to Trinity Lutheran School
  • Credit Card:  Click here to make a credit card gift on a secure site. There is a 3% merchant services fee that you may choose to cover.
  • Matching Gifts: Many companies will match donor gifts to the school resulting in a doubled or even triples donation. Donors should ask their employer if they have a matching gift program or call us.
  • Securities:  Gifts of stock may provide additional tax benefits.
  • Planned Gifts: There are many kinds of planned gifts including bequests and charitable lead trusts, both of which offer significant tax benefits to the donor.
  • Gifts in Kind: A gift-in-kind is a donation of tangible personal property or services and may include furniture, books, musical instruments, or equipment.

Checks may be sent directly to the school:

Lisa Singleton Trinity Lutheran School 4900 McCain Rd. Jackson, MI 49201